Improving Library Services in Support of International Students and English as a Second Language Learners

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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • About the author

International students in the United States contribute to the diversity of university campuses, classrooms, and our communities. These students bring new ways of thinking, help to foster academic competition, and enrich the cultural diversity of campuses and the common understanding and appreciation of differences around the world. At the same time, international students encounter many difficulties and obstacles during their collegiate studies, such as cultural shock, the social isolation of being away from family and friends, being homesick, finding employment and balancing work, financial struggles, different spiritual beliefs, unfamiliar living settings and food options, different learning styles and educational systems, language barriers, and cultural differences.

Academic librarians are uniquely positioned to help these students overcome cultural and educational challenges. Improving Library Services in Support of International Students and English as a Second Language Learners provides outreach examples, lesson plans, and collection development practices that can help you better support international students and ESL learners. Forty-one librarians and scholars from different institutions across the United States and Canada share their expertise over nine thorough sections:

  • Who Are Our International Students
  • The Role of Librarians
  • Importance of Library Resources
  • Unit Lesson Plans
  • Instruction Planning
  • Collaborating with Campus Partners
  • Outreach Initiatives to International Students
  • Special Outreach Events
  • Conclusion—Future Trends

Improving Library Services in Support of International Students and English as a Second Language Learners provides librarians with a comprehensive guide to effective practices for serving international students, contributing to their retention and success, increasing campus diversity, and helping the students better enjoy their collegiate experience in the United States.


Introduction. An Overview
Leila June Rod-Welch

Section 1. Who Are Our International Students?
Chapter 1. International Students in the United States and the Opportunities They Bring to US Academic Libraries
Michael C. English and Patricia J. West

Chapter 2. Developing Library Services for International Students
Maaike Oldemans

Section 2. The Role of the Librarian
Chapter 3. Cultural Sensitivity Tips for Serving Patrons with Limited English Proficiency
Leila June Rod-Welch and Michael Williams

Chapter 4. Talking About the “Culture Bump”: Using Student Voices to Increase Cultural Sensitivity of Library and University Staff
Olga Hart and Carol Olausen

Section 3. Importance of Library Resources
Chapter 5. Lacking Resources: Building an ESL Collection from Scratch
Leila June Rod-Welch

Section 4. Unit Lesson Plans
Chapter 6. Introducing International Students to the Academic Library: A Flexible, Research-Based Lesson Plan
Ilka Datig

Chapter 7. Teaching English Language Learners to Vet Their Sources in the Post-Truth Paradigm
Megan Hodge

Chapter 8. Scaffolding Academic Literacy: The Maps and Imagery Library and the English Language Institute Join Forces
Maya Shastri, Lynne Clark, and Carol McAuliffe

Section 5. Instruction Planning
Chapter 9. Collaborative Pedagogy for International MBA Student Success
Henri Mondschein

Chapter 10. Integrated Information Literacy Instruction for International Student Pathway Programs
Nancy Fawley

Section 6. Collaborating with Campus partners
Chapter 11. Scaffolding Library Research Skills for International Students: A Library-EAP Collaboration
Ann K. G. Brown and Megan M. Siczek

Chapter 12. Collaborating for International and ESL Student Success
Helen Ly Christian, Sarah Nielsen, and Aline Soules

Chapter 13. Librarians and IEP Instructors Unite for Information Literacy!
Rachael Muszkiewicz and Jennifer Shelton

Section 7. Outreach Initiatives to international students
Chapter 14. Library Orientation and Outreach to International Students and Scholars
Innocent Awasom

Chapter 15. Welcome to Your Library: How an Orientation Can Set Up International Students for Academic Success
Roberto A. Arteaga, Mark Robison, Rachael Muszkiewicz, and Nora Belzowski

Chapter 16. Bienvenida, 欢迎, and Welcome: Acclimating International Students to the University Library
Karin Heffernan and Joshua Becker

Chapter 17. Outreach to International Students: A Campus-Wide Assessment of International Students’ Information Needs at USC
Shahla Bahavar, Karen Howell, and Christal Young

Section 8. Special Outreach Events
Chapter 18. Let’s Travel the World Together Via the Library
Leila June Rod-Welch

Chapter 19. The Diversity and Global Engagement Exposition: Creating a Student-Centered Outreach Initiative at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro University Libraries
Jenay Solomon and Orolando Duffus

Chapter 20. Libraries as Cultural Crossroads: Events Promoting Global Diversity
Pamela Bach, Olga Hart, and Don Jason

Chapter 21. iWeek at the University Library: Creating an Opportunity to Connect with International Students
Anamika Megwalu, Adriana Poo, Christa Bailey, Linda Crotty, and Diana Wu

Section 9. Conclusion—Future Trends
Chapter 22. Times of Uncertainty: What Will the Future Hold for International University Students in the US and Canada and the Libraries That Serve Them?
Laurie Bridges, Raymond Pun, and Manbeena Sekhon

About the Editor

About the Authors

Leila June Rod-Welch

Leila June Rod-Welch is a librarian at Saddleback College where she coordinates outreach activities. Previously, she worked at the University of Northern Iowa. Prior to that, Rod-Welch taught English to international students, refugees, and immigrants. Leila received her EdD in leisure and human services management and MA in community leisure services programming from the University of Northern Iowa. She received her MA in library and information science from the University of Iowa. The majority of her research focuses on outreach to diverse and underserved populations such as international students, English as a second language learners, graduate students, military science students, and veterans. In 2019, she edited a book titled Improving Library Services in Support of International Students and English as a Second Language Learners. Leila’s other scholarly interests include leisure and aging. Dr. Rod-Welch was a 2014 ALA Emerging Leader. She has sixty publications and presentations. She was the founder and past Convener of Academic Library Services to Graduate Students Interest Group, the current co-convener of Library Marketing and Outreach Interest Group, and co-chair of the ACRL 2021 Innovations Committee. Dr. Rod-Welch has been involved with numerous ACRL committees over the years, including the Josey Spectrum Scholar Mentor Committee.