Fundamentals of School Library Media Management: A How-To-Do-It Manual

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ALA Neal-Schuman
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  • Description
  • Reviews

Uncover all of the critical information and guidance you'll need to adeptly manage any school library in this valuable new resource. Co-authors Barbara Stein Martin, an experienced professor of school librarianship, and accomplished school librarian Marco Zannier present a practical tool to help you fully understand and confidently master the extensive services and skills involved in this always-evolving profession. Equally effective when read from cover to cover or used as a quick-reference handbook, you’ll first learn to build a strong professional foundation through a helpful explanation of the basics, like setting goals, organization and time management, communication with stakeholders and a list of important professional documents. Read on to succeed in each one of the three major roles you’ll adopt as a school librarian, including:

• Administrator, with instruction in budgeting, circulation and inventory
• Information Specialist, which covers material selection, ordering, processing and arranging, databases and web sites and references
• Teacher and Instructional Specialist, with guidance for teaching your school’s curriculum, research assistance, collaboration and programming

Examples of best practices for each role are accompanied by easy-to-follow diagrams and images, and a ready-to-reference directory of essential sources and suppliers is packed with forms, resource lists and URL links to use again and again.

"This is an excellent quick reference guide highlighting the three primary roles of the library media specialists ... recommended for the professional development collections of school librarians."--ARBA Online
"This title offers a wide range of skills and strategies for the inexperienced librarian in a school library media center ... Packed though it is, this book is easy to read, encouraging and supportive in tone and a useful guide for the new teacher librarian."--Australian Library Journal
"An excellent reference manual to help school library media specialists run their media centers efficiently and effectively ... a go-to source of great value."--Christian Library Journal
"This inclusive guide to school library management would be an excellent resource for a new practicing librarian or for a college class studying management of the school library."--Catholic Library World
"With a conversational, can-do tone, this book lays the groundwork for a successful first year as a school librarian ... Recommendations will also help seasoned librarians evaluate their practices with a fresh eye ... a truly current guide."--School Library Journal
"Organized so that it can be a 'ready reference' tool for the teacher-librarian, whether seasoned or new to the profession ... Well-articulated, the encouragement is to understand the fundamentals of this work but go beyond to also try the most cutting edge ideas in the field."--Teacher Librarian
"An excellent quick reference guide ... served in an easy-to-read format with wide margins that encourage annotation."--Library Media Connection
"This comprehensive guide will answer almost any question a newcomer to this field may have. It is a good choice for library education programs or as a reference in the school library."--VOYA
"Contains useful information to help any school librarian manage a myriad of tasks and roles ... helpful, accessible, and full of down-to-earth, concrete examples. If you buy it, you will use it."--Booklist
"An excellent introduction for those just starting their career as school librarians."--Midwest Book Review