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- Description
- Table of Contents
- About the authors
The Discovery Tool Cookbook: Recipes for Successful Lesson Plans, Nancy Fawley and Nikki Krysak, showcases tested lessons by librarians and practitioners for teaching information literacy using a discovery tool. The third volume in the successful ACRL Cookbook series features "recipes" sorted by lesson type and level of student preparedness, including all the information needed to replicate (or customize) each dish at your own institution. The IL Framework is infused in each of the 49 lessons, which suit a mix of abilities, learning outcomes, and patron types, including K-12 and ELL students, with options for flipping instruction to maximize learning outside of the classroom.
The Discovery Tool Cookbook is essential for all academic and school librarians wanting to create fun lesson plans that incorporate a discovery layer.
1. Starters
warm-up activities
Peer-reviewed Journals as Geek-out Message Boards: Using Analogies to Describe Publication Types
Dr. Smita Avasthi
Sampling the Menu: Exploring Search Results in Discovery Tools
Natalie Burclaff
Hold The Onion Please: A Game Where Students Guess Which News Headlines Are Fake and Which Are Real
Amanda Gorrell
Taste Test: Can You Tell the Difference Between Library and Google Results?
Kirsten Hostetler
2. The Larder
short activities to have on hand
What's in Your Discovery Layer?: An Introduction to Format
Lisa Eggebraaten and Beth Twomey
Short Order Citations Relay
Jennifer Fuller and Catherine Gray
Goldilocks and the Three Searches: Learning the Judicious Use of Quotation Marks in Effective Searching
Katie Greer
Finding a Recipe by Ingredients
Olga Hart
Library Discovery and Draw
Kirsten Hostetler
Scavenging for Research Ingredients
Jessica Hronchek
Cooking Up Keywords
Grace Kaletski
When There's No Time to Cook, but There's a Guest at Your House, Keep Something in the Freezer You Can Pop in the Oven
Christina Riehman-Murphy
Using Discovery to Facilitate Source Awareness and Evaluation
Rachel Scott
3. Tapas
group activities
Keywords to the Rescue: An Essential Side Dish to Spice Up Your Main Meal
Joshua Becker
Teaching Discovery Through Cooperative Learning: A Jigsaw Approach
Robert Farrell
Four Potluck Dishes and a Discovery Tool
Laura Graveline
Reduction Deduction: Facets as a Key Ingredient to Searching Effectively in a Discovery Layer
Stephanie Graves and Sarah LeMire
Time-Limited Tapas
Rhiannon Jones
Discovery Tool Scavenger Hunt
Laura Nagel
Document Analysis with Holocaust Era Passports
Brantley Palmer and Rodney Obien
Discovery Tools, Fava Beans, and a Nice Chianti: Searching the Library's Catalog to Locate Tantalizing Topics within the Collection
Jennifer Pate and Erica England
Finding the Right Ingredients: Using Discovery Layers to Find Different Types of Sources
Lorelei Rutledge and Sarah LeMire
Research Tool Tasting Menu Accompanied by Anonymous Wombats, Narwhals, and Nyan Cats: Using Collaborative Google Docs to Create Group Research Activities that Promote Exploration and Collaborative Inquiry
Nancy Schuler
Cooking up Questions: Using Subject Specific Online Encyclopedia Articles in the Topic Refinement Process
Christy R. Stevens
UNIV 101 Appetizer
Patricia Watkins
4. Meal Plans
full lesson plans
Know your Research Game Plan!
Ashley Blinstrub
One Shot at Discovering Library Resources
Ruth M. Castillo
Word Cloud Search Sushi
Kierston Cox and James E. Scholz
Finding and Evaluating Sources: Ingredients for Discovery Tool Success
William Cuthbertson, Stephanie Evers and Brianne Markowski
Interactive Discovery: Puzzling Out Discovery Tool Essentials
William Cuthbertson, Stephanie Evers and Brianne Markowski
Library Quest: Hosting a Banquet Feast
Caleb Domsy and Aliya Dalfen
Tic-Tac-Toe and Discover
Christine Elliott
Interview Preparation Gumbo
Lateka Grays
Shopping for the Best Ingredients: Resource Evaluation and Discovery Tool Searching
Alexandra Hamlett
A Balanced Plateful: The Pyramid of Evidence
Rebecca Hewitt
Discovering Connections: A Gourmet Reading Map
Johanna MacKay and Barbara Norelli
Using Film as a Starting Point for Information Literacy Instruction
Ilona MacNamara
First-Year-Seminar Discovery Tool Casserole
Henri Mondschein
Discovering Inquiry Workshop
Mark Robison
A Case of the Research Munchies: Evaluating Which Resource Will Hit the Spot
Brandon West and Michelle Costello
5. Regional Fare
lesson plans for international students, faculty, and K-12
Introducing Research Basics: History Day Programming for Local High Schools
Megan Allison
Subject Term Soup (with Vocabulary Garnish)
Emily Crist and Lauren Strachan
Wholesale Distribution
Amy Fyn
Is Greed Good? Using Research to Make Informed, Evidence-Based Decisions
Jeff Miller, Melissa Langridge and Bridget Doloresco
Cold and Spicy Call Number Soup with Noodle Salad: Serving Up a Banquet for International Students/English as a Second Language (ESL) Learners
Leila June Rod-Welch
Which Came First: The Whale or the Egg?
Dr. A.M. Salaz and Teresa MacGregor
6. Room Service
flipping the classroom
Discovery Layers and the Flipped Classroom: Recipe for Success!
Cara Berg
Poutine à la Carte: Teaching Humanities Research to Graduate Students with a Discovery Tool
Éthel Gamache
Pricing the Ingredients
Tammy Ivins
Nancy Fawley
Nancy Fawley has spent her career working in academic libraries primarily in reference and instruction. She has held previous leadership positions at the University of Vermont, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, the University of Alabama, and Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar. Fawley holds an MLIS from the University of Kentucky. She previously coedited The Discovery Tool Cookbook: Recipes for Successful Lesson Plans (2016), published by ACRL.
Nikki Krysak
Nikki Krysak is the Head of Instructional Services at Norwich University in Northfield, Vermont, where she leads planning, development, delivery, and assessment of the overall library education program at Kreitzberg Library. Krysak held a leadership role in the Information Literacy Network for the Middle East Gulf Region, where she assisted in fostering the expansion of information literacy and lifelong learning skills in the Middle East. She played a key role in developing instructional programs at two American universities in the Middle East. She also serves on the ACRL Instruction Section Planning Committee.The instructors gave a joint presentation on discovery tools and information literacy instruction at LOEX 2012.