The Critical Component: Standards in the Information Exchange Environment—eEditions e-book
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- Description
- Table of Contents
- About the author
Cindy Hepfer
Chapter 1. The Value of Standards for Information Exchange
Todd A. Carpenter
Chapter 2. How Formal Should We Be? The Standards Continuum and the Standards Development Pipeline
Cynthia Hodgson
Case Study. The Digital Object Identifier: From Ad Hoc to National to International
Norman Paskin
Chapter 3. The Information Standards Landscape
Nettie Lagace
Case Study. Everything Old is New Again: ISSN in the Digital Environment
Regina Romano Reynolds
Chapter 4. Basic Standards Concepts
Mark Bide
Case Study. Accessibility for Everyone
George Kerscher
Chapter 5. This Thing Is Not That Thing: The Role of Identifiers in Content Management and Distribution
Laura Dawson
Case Study. I2 and ISNI: Expanding the Use of an Identifier to Serve Multiple Needs
Janifer Gatenby
Chapter 6. Describing Resources for Discoverability and Reuse
Diane I. Hillmann
Case Study. Development of Dublin Core
Thomas Baker
Chapter 7. Discoverability: The Ultimate Goal
Marshall Breeding
Case Study 7. Providing Appropriate Access
Adam Chandler
Chapter 8. Ensuring Digital Preservation for Future Generations
Lisa Gregory
Case Study. Portico: Using Standards for Scholarly Content Preservation
Kate Wittenberg, Sheila Morrissey, and Amy Kirchhoff
Chapter 9. Marketing Your Standard from Idea to Brand to Practice
Heather Staines and Robert Boissy
Case Study. EPUB 3: The Birth and Adolescence of an Unusually Visible Standard
Bill Kasdorf
Chapter 10. Getting Involved with Standards
Ted Koppel
Case Study. How One Standard—COUNTER—Drove the Need for Another—SUSHI
Oliver Pesch and Peter Shepherd
Chapter 11. The Future Need for Standards Will Only Expand
Todd A. Carpenter
Cindy Hepfer
Chapter 1. The Value of Standards for Information Exchange
Todd A. Carpenter
Chapter 2. How Formal Should We Be? The Standards Continuum and the Standards Development Pipeline
Cynthia Hodgson
Case Study. The Digital Object Identifier: From Ad Hoc to National to International
Norman Paskin
Chapter 3. The Information Standards Landscape
Nettie Lagace
Case Study. Everything Old is New Again: ISSN in the Digital Environment
Regina Romano Reynolds
Chapter 4. Basic Standards Concepts
Mark Bide
Case Study. Accessibility for Everyone
George Kerscher
Chapter 5. This Thing Is Not That Thing: The Role of Identifiers in Content Management and Distribution
Laura Dawson
Case Study. I2 and ISNI: Expanding the Use of an Identifier to Serve Multiple Needs
Janifer Gatenby
Chapter 6. Describing Resources for Discoverability and Reuse
Diane I. Hillmann
Case Study. Development of Dublin Core
Thomas Baker
Chapter 7. Discoverability: The Ultimate Goal
Marshall Breeding
Case Study 7. Providing Appropriate Access
Adam Chandler
Chapter 8. Ensuring Digital Preservation for Future Generations
Lisa Gregory
Case Study. Portico: Using Standards for Scholarly Content Preservation
Kate Wittenberg, Sheila Morrissey, and Amy Kirchhoff
Chapter 9. Marketing Your Standard from Idea to Brand to Practice
Heather Staines and Robert Boissy
Case Study. EPUB 3: The Birth and Adolescence of an Unusually Visible Standard
Bill Kasdorf
Chapter 10. Getting Involved with Standards
Ted Koppel
Case Study. How One Standard—COUNTER—Drove the Need for Another—SUSHI
Oliver Pesch and Peter Shepherd
Chapter 11. The Future Need for Standards Will Only Expand
Todd A. Carpenter
Todd A. Carpenter
Todd A. Carpenter is executive director of the National Information Standards Organization (NISO). Todd brings to this role more than twenty years of publishing, digital content distribution, business development, and library community experience.