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- Description
- Table of Contents
- About the authors
Engineering students, designers, studio artists, and other student creators have unique research needs that libraries are well-positioned to meet. They use academic literature to inspire and ground creation, but also seek information from trade literature, patents, technical standards, and how-to manuals. They apply tacit knowledge and need to learn not only how to write within academic discourse but also create objects, designs, and experiences.
In four parts, Creators in the Academic Library: Collections and Spaces explores how academic libraries can build collections, spaces, and communities that serve creators.
- Tailoring Collections for Creators
- Making in the Academic Library
- Creating Experiences in the Library
- Cultivating Creator Communities
Chapters identify innovative ways the academic library can support creators by building new kinds of collections, resources, and experiences, including the use of rare books and archives; building a comprehensive technology and research equipment lending collection; performing in library spaces; supporting sustainability across disciplines; and creating equitable access to creator spaces, tools, and resources. Creators in the Academic Library documents spaces and collections that strive for equity and authenticity, for playfulness and joy, and offers strategies for creating a library open to all comers seeking a place to create in a liberating environment.
Volume 2
Series Introduction
Rebecca Zuege Kuglitsch and Alexander C. Watkins
Volume 2 Introduction
Rebecca Zuege Kuglitsch
Section 1. Tailoring Collections for Creators
Chapter 1. I Got So Much Magic, You Can Have It: Supporting and Collaborating With Black Art(ist)s at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Courtney Becks
Chapter 2. Special Collections as Muse: The Use of Rare Books and Archives to Inspire Creative Works
Adriana Harmeyer and Tracy Grimm
Chapter 3. Inspiring and Supporting Creators in and Beyond the Library
Sha Towers
Chapter 4. Throwing It All at the Wall: Building a Comprehensive Technology and Research Equipment Lending Collection
Alice Rogers and Jonathan Bradley
Section 2. Making in the Academic Library
Chapter 5. Dusty and Digital Community Engagement: Hip Hop Arts Communities of Practice in the Library Makerspace
Craig Arthur, Jasmine Weiss, Dr. Frederick Paige, and Dr. Natalie E. Cook
Chapter 6. Creating Equitable Access to Creator Spaces, Tools, and Resources
Holly J. Thompson, Cari Kaurloto, Jane Lah, and Alvaro Quezada
Chapter 7. How Collaborative Innovation Aided in the Fight Against COVID-19
Ryan Cassidy and Sean W. Scully
Chapter 8. A Sea of Makerspaces: Finding a Niche for a STEM Library Makerspace at an R1 Institution
Jodi H. Coalter, James D. Weber, S. Eliza Scally, and Sharona Ginsberg
Section 3. Creating Experiences in the Library
Chapter 9. “Being Able to Play for a Wider Audience”: Student Musician Perspectives on Performing in the Library
Gisele Schierhorst and Christine Fena
Chapter 10. Performing the Library!: A Program of Student Engagement in an Academic Library
Nancy E. Friedland
Chapter 11. Reading Images on the Wall: The Camera Obscura in the Academic Library
Stephanie Beene and Meggan Gould
Section 4. Cultivating Creator Communities
Chapter 12. MakeHERspace: Cultivating an Inclusive Creation Environment in the Library
Sarah Nagle and Lori Chapin
Chapter 13. From the Formal into the Informal: Connecting with Creator Students through Societies
Daniel Delargy
Chapter 14. Creators for the Earth: The Academic Library’s Role in Supporting Sustainability Creators and Practitioners Across All Disciplines
Jennifer K. Embree and Neyda V. Gilman
Chapter 15. Our Journey to “Concourse D”: A Student-developed Space for Creating, Collaborating, and Developing Community in the Library
Katy Kelly and Adrienne Ausdenmoore
Chapter 16. Letterpress as Open Educational Practice
Amanda Rybin Koob
Rebecca Zuege Kuglitsch
Rebecca Zuege Kuglitsch is the faculty director and team lead for Branches & Services at the University of Colorado Boulder. Her research draws on her experience in science and engineering librarianship. She received her undergraduate degree in history and biology from Knox College, a master’s degree in history from UCLA, and her MLIS from the University of Washington.
Alexander C. Watkins
Alexander C. Watkins is the art and architecture librarian and an associate professor at the University of Colorado, Boulder. His research focuses on methods for critical, engaging, and effective teaching in libraries. He received a bachelor of arts degree in the history of art and anthropology from the University of California Berkeley, and master’s degrees in the history of art and design and library and information science from Pratt Institute.