Ben Alexander

Ben Alexander holds an MA and a PhD in American Literature as well as 10-year “pin” (literally a pin) for 10 years of service as a Rare Books and Manuscripts Specialist for the New York Public Library.  He teaches archival studies and curatorial studies in the MMLIS program at the University of Southern California.  Alexander is also a visiting scholar in the Department of English at Columbia University where he is finishing a monograph entitled Yaddo: Shaping the American Century (Cornell University Press) and where he is teaching two courses for Columbia English:  American Memory and When American Television Became American Literature.  Alexander is completing his edited volume, When American Television Became American Literature (Brill) and is co-editing a second volume entitled From Memory to Marriage: The Archive, Agency and the Advance of LGBTQ+ Rights in America (Brill).

book cover for Remembering and (Re)remembering: The Archive, Memory and Social Justice in the 21st Century
Remembering and (Re)remembering: The Archive, Memory and Social Justice in the 21st Century