Applying Library Values to Emerging Technology: Decision-Making in the Age of Open Access, Maker Spaces, and the Ever-Changing Library (Publications in Librarianship #72)

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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • About the authors

Every year, emerging technologies are more deeply integrated into libraries and the lives of the users they serve. These technologies are not simply neutral tools—they come embedded with their own sets of assumptions and values. As users and creators of technologies, as well as institutions that are part of the fabric of their communities, libraries must uphold the values of the profession—values that are often in tension with one another, and with the values embedded in the technology that is available—while effectively meeting the evolving needs of their users.

Applying Library Values to Emerging Technology: Decision-Making in the Age of Open Access, Maker Spaces, and the Ever-Changing Library offers a wide range of perspectives on how to interpret and apply library values in the context of emerging technologies. Authors include academic librarians, public librarians, and professors, and contributors from the Library Freedom Project, the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), the Free Ebook Foundation, Creative Commons, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Tor Project, the Center for Information Policy Research, and the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education. Divided into two sections—Contemplating Library Values and Applying Library Values—and using the ALA’s Core Values of Librarianship as the primary reference point, chapters emphasize the underlying frameworks that guide librarian practice and capture practical, real-world applications that can ideally serve as a starting point for other librarians encountering similar issues, even if the specific technology or set of values may differ.

The technology that libraries utilize will inevitably help define the library, its patrons, and, through them, the world. Many of the issues raised here do not have easy answers. Values are meant to endure the test of time but must interact appropriately with the immediate challenge, the larger society, and the reality of the technological options available. Libraries must actively engage with the implications of their values, informed by their particular context. Applying Library Values to Emerging Technology will help all librarians develop a more nuanced understanding of both the technology and the profession’s values, and help ensure that our values are realized in our decisions.

This book is also available as an Open Access Edition.

Peter Fernandez, Head, LRE Liaison Programs, University of Tennessee Libraries
Kelly Tilton, Information Literacy Instruction Librarian, University of Tennessee Libraries


Part I
Contemplating Library Values


Chapter 1.
The New Technocracy: Positioning Librarianship’s Core Values in Relationship to Technology Is a Much Taller Order Than We Think
John Buschman, Dean of University Libraries, Seton Hall University

Chapter 2.
Tor Browser and Intellectual Freedom in the Digital Age
Alison Macrina, Core Contributor, Tor Project; Founder, Library Freedom Project

Chapter 3.
Ethical Implications of Digital Tools and Emerging Roles for Academic Librarians
Lindsey Wharton, Extended Campus and Distance Services Librarian, Florida State University

Chapter 4.
The Twitter Archive at the Library of Congress, Seven Years Later: Challenges for Supporting the Core Values of Librarianship
Michael Zimmer, PhD, Associate Professor, School of Information Studies; Director, Center for Information Policy Research, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Chapter 5.
Digital Infrastructures that Embody Library Principles: The IMLS National Digital Platform as a Framework for Digital Library Tools and Services
Trevor Owens, Ashley E. Sands, Emily Reynolds, James Neal, Stephen Mayeaux, and Maura Marx, Institute of Museum and Library Services

Chapter 6.
Bringing Open Access Into Interlibrary Loan with the Open Access Button
Chealsye Bowley, Scholarly Communication Librarian, Florida Gulf Coast University

Chapter 7.
Digital Advertising in Libraries: Or... How Libraries are Assisting the Ecosystem that Pays for Fake News
Eric Hellman, President, Free Ebook Foundation

Chapter 8.
Communication or Piracy? Library Values, Copyright, and Cloud Computing
Justin M. White, Metadata and Emerging Technologies Librarian, Terry P. McMahan Library, Hodges University

Chapter 9.
Information as an Essential Human Right: How the World Becomes Kinder and More Democratic When We are all Informed
David I. Orenstein, MS, MLS, PhD, Professor of Anthropology, Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Medgar Evers College/CUNY; AHA NGO Representative to the United Nations

Chapter 10.
Open Source Software and Librarian Values*
Jason Puckett, Online Learning Librarian; Assistant Professor, Georgia State University Library

Chapter 11.
The Tradeoffs We Make: Ethical Technology in the Open Movement and Beyond
Jennie Rose Halperin, Communications Manager, Creative Commons

Chapter 12.
Community Code: Supporting the Mission of Open Access and Preservation with the Use of Open Source Library Technologies
Keila Zayas-Ruiz, Sunshine State Digital Network Coordinator, Strozier Library, Florida State University
Mark Baggett, Department Head, Digital Initiatives, Hodges Library, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Part II
Applying Library Values


Chapter 13.
Getting Adults Online and Engaged: Chicago Public Library’s Approach
Kate Lapinski, Learning and Economic Advancement, Chicago Public Library

Chapter 14.
Protecting User Rights in the Digital Realm
Jacob Hoffman-Andrews, Senior Staff Technologist, Electronic Frontier Foundation

Chapter 15.
Not All Information Wants to be Free: The Case Study of On Our Backs*
Tara Robertson

Chapter 16.
Effective Technology Management: Importance of Policies and User Agreements to Advance and Sustain Emerging Technology Use in Libraries
A.Miller, Assistant Professor, Digital Scholarship, Middle Tennessee State University

Chapter 17.
Librarians as Leaders of Open Educational Practice
Lisa Petrides, PhD, CEO, Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education
Cynthia Jimes, PhD, Director of Research and Learning, Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education
Amee Godwin, Director, Innovation, Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education

Chapter 18.
Building Bridges with No Trolls: The Practical Ethics of Open Access Institutional Repositories and Digital Archives
Lindsay Kenderes, Information Resources Librarian / College Archivist, P.H. Welshimer Memorial Library, Milligan Libraries
Jude Morrissey, User Services Librarian, P.H. Welshimer Memorial Library, Milligan Libraries

Chapter 19.
Lasting Experiences: Taking Galleries from Glass Cases to Online Access Repositories
Joseph Shankweiler, Assistant Professor, Special Collections Catalog Librarian, Western Kentucky University
Todd Seguin, Scholarly Communications Specialist, Western Kentucky University

Chapter 20.
Makerspaces for Technology-Infused Learning: A Case Study
Maria Hawkins, Coordinator, Applied Technology, University of Akron
Kevin Garewal, Head, Research & Learning Services, University of Akron

Chapter 21.
The Practice of Solidarity: Forming a Collaborative Coding Interest Group at AUC Robert W. Woodruff Library
Joshua Hogan, Metadata & Digital Resources Librarian, Robert W. Woodruff Library, Atlanta University Center Library
Justin de la Cruz, Subject Librarian, Music and Psychology, Robert W. Woodruff Library, Atlanta University Center Library

Chapter 22. 
How I Set Up GNU/Linux at My Library*
Chuck McAndrew, IT Librarian, Lebanon Libraries, New Hampshire

Chapter 23.
Contextual Expectations and Emerging Informational Harms: A Primer on Academic Library Participation in Learning Analytics Initiatives
Kyle M. L. Jones, Assistant Professor, School of Informatics and Computing, Department of Library and Information Science, Indiana University-Indianapolis (IUPUI)
Ellen LeClere, Doctoral Student, The iSchool, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Chapter 24.
Applying Inclusive Principles in Web Design to Enhance Accessibility for Disabled Users
Kyunghye Yoon, Associate Professor, St. Catherine University
Rachel Dols, Technical Aide, 3M
Laura Hulscher, Independent Researcher, Product Information Specialist, Ameripride Services


Peter D. Fernandez

Peter D. Fernandez is the head of LRE Liaison Programs at the University of Tennessee Libraries.

Kelly Tilton

Kelly Tilton is Information Literacy Instruction Librarian at the University of Tennessee Libraries.